Cobb County BOE Denies Ballot Shredding-After Videos Produce Evidence of Ballot Shredding


The Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration is defending itself after being accused of shredding election documents during Georgia’s controversial recount.

President Donald Trump’s attorney Lin Wood tweeted videos shot by a witness who identified herself as Susan Knox and said she was outside the Jim R. Miller Event Center, where ballots were stored, on Friday. She documented a mobile shredder company destroying documents, which she called ballots.

In one tweet, Wood said, “Why was an A1 Shredding & Recycling truck picking up election documents/materials at Jim R. Miller Park election office in Cobb County,, GA minutes ago? They may be destroying evidence. Cobb County GA Patriots need to demand answers NOW!!!”

Wood tweeted pictures from outside a warehouse storeroom with boxes and a trash can with documents. He said, “What election/materials are in these bins being picked up at the election office at Jim R. Miller Park this morning by A1 Shredding & Recycling? Absentee ballot envelopes??? Cobb County, GA Patriots must DEMAND answers NOW.”

For one video, Wood tweeted, “Cobb County, GA Patriots, check with Sheriff & Police Departments & demand full investigation of possible obstruction of justice & evidence destruction today.”

In another tweet, Wood said, “Susan Knox is a warrior for TRUTH. #FightBack“.

Wood also tweeted, “Looks to me like they may be destroying election documents in Cobb County, GA. What do you think? #FightBack Against Election Crimes”.

The Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration issued a statement, available here, to address “significant social media chatter about some document shredding.”

According to the statement, a vendor routinely shreds certain “non-relevant” documents after elections. They did this work at the Jim R. Miller Event Center on Friday. The board said they did not shred ballots.

They say they disposed of:

  • Mailing labels (with voter info) that are incorrect or if we’ve printed too many
  • Copies of apps printed from OnBase if we are looking for something (the originals are filed in evidence)
  • Copies of outdated or changed procedures, policies, forms, notes, or form letters
  • Regular and third-party envelopes with voter info on them
  • Reports when we are finished doing ‘check off the list’ steps
  • Sticky notes and phone messages with voter phone #s or email addresses
  • White privacy envelopes after the election is certified
  • Printouts of old emails when we have a more current response in the chain
  • Duplicates of faxed applications (when voters fax multiples copies of the same app all at the same time)
  • There were a tub or two of applications we had copied for the December election and labels that we put in the shredder when the elections were combined and moved to January 5th

This is the latest in a series of irregularities that have led to charges of massive fraud in the election, especially in Georgia.

A district judge denied attorney Lin Wood’s motion to delay certification of the Georgia voting results, The Georgia Star News reported. Wood had presented 17 affidavits alleging potential voter fraud. Although the judge dismissed the case, Wood stated that he will appeal the case to the Eleventh Circuit court.

One witness reported that several batches of ballots were in “pristine” condition, and had an entirely different texture and feel to them, The Star News reported.

Wood said that the evidence presented by fellow attorney Sidney Powell will overturn the election, The Star News reported. He confirmed this during The John Fredericks Show for an exclusive interview following his court loss on Thursday.

“I’ve not only talked with Sidney, I’ve met with her in length. I’ve seen the evidence. So I know what she said in her press conference yesterday is one hundred percent accurate,” stated Wood. “The elections in this country have been fraudulent for several election cycles.”

Wood explained that the evidence showed consistent software used throughout nearly all electronic voting systems in the country – especially Dominion Voting Systems. According to Wood, the evidence indicated that this software has been flipping voting totals and manipulating counts as far back as 2016. He went so far as to claim that President Donald Trump won the popular vote in 2016.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes. The Georgia Star News’ Corinne Murdock contributed to this report.
Photo “Garbage Bin” Lin Wood.








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3 Thoughts to “Cobb County BOE Denies Ballot Shredding-After Videos Produce Evidence of Ballot Shredding”

  1. J

    The shredding company is working with the fbi according to their Facebook page

  2. Joseph Sheppard

    I’m on Trump’s side, and believe he was robbed of a landslide, but I don’t think we can assume these were shredded ballots from the presidential election. The only way to prove it was to go look at and film the stuff. This is all speculation. I also don’t understand Lin Wood’s suggesting we don’t vote for Loeffler and Perdue if “they don’t help Pres. Trump more. They both immediately called for Raffensburger to resign. What are we supposed to do? Elect Assoff and Warlock?

    1. Anastasia

      I’m with you. Definitely vote for the Republicans then we’ll deal with the aftermath. We can’t lose the majority in the Senate just because Wood isn’t happy with their support, or lack thereof. I appreciate Wood and all he’s doing but he missed the mark on this one.
